Changes to 2DShooter:

  • Changed the Player’s sprite/animation. Implemented it using pixel art.
  • Made a completely new object to give you extra health (design, script, animation)
  • Made 4 different levels, each one is unique:
    • Level 1: Introduction to the game to get yourself acquainted with the controllers and gameplay
    • Level 2: a simple level where you have to kill 30 enemies
    • Level 3: A maze where you can only win if you get out of the maze
    • Level 4: Infinite gameplay, you play to get the highest highscore, as time passes the level gets harder
  • Added/Edit scripts to add different functionalities
    • Win by reaching a position (instead of just winning by killing a certain number of enemies)
    • Increase Health script: if you collide with the game object it increases your health and destroys itself
    • Player Collision Damage script: if you collide with the enemy you lose health
    • Edited the EnemySpawner script to make a HealSpawner script which spawns healing game objects 
  • Edited several game objects with already implemented components:
    • used the rotate around script to make an enemy spawner rotate while spawning
    • slightly edited the score and highscore script to add the health and lives display into the UI

Created by: Mazhar Ibrahim


WIndows - Alien 30 MB
MacOSX - Alien 39 MB